

Options Available for Shedding Weight

by Ashish_yng

Humans are the slaves of machines. The statement is based on the fact that our dependency on machines has been increased manifolds in the last 30-40 years. The tasks we used to perform physically are now being performed with help of machines. This has obliterated physical activities from our daily routines, which has resulted in steep rise in obesity cases.
Obesity is a chronic disease in which the excess in body fat affects our general health by putting us on the risk of developing diseases like Osteoarthritis, Joint Pain, Type 2 Diabetes and High Blood Pressure. It can also create problems in walking and running. Therefore, we should never take obesity lightly.
Today, there are many options available to get rid of body fat. The options are described below:
• Bariatric Surgery: Also known as weight loss surgery, it comprises a number of processes. The surgery involves removing a small portion of stomach or reducing its size with the help of a gastric band. Though the surgery assures fast weight loss, it reduces mortality and morbidity. Moreover, it can cause some problems like gastric dumping syndrome, infections and leaks at the surgical site.
• Running, Walking and Other Self-prescribed Activities: You should seriously consider activities like running, jogging, swimming and cycling for shedding the extra weight. These activities complemented by limited intake of food can do wonders. But the problem is most of the people fail to control their cravings for delectable meals, which creates difficulty in achieving the weight loss goal.

• Weight Loss Program: Weight loss program is the safe, affordable and effective way of bidding adieu to the extra fat accumulated on the body. Among all options, it is considered the best due to the number of advantages associated with it. During the first visit at the clinic offering this program, a series of tests are conducted for determining that the patient is eligible for the program or not. This is followed by weekly follow-ups, wherein the physician ensures that the patient is on the right track. Once patient loses weight, the physician directs his efforts towards helping him manage the weight for a long period of time.
Though there are several options of losing weight, you are advised to do every thing required for keeping yourself away from obesity. Do take out some time to walk or play outdoor sports like basketball, cricket and volleyball. And if possible, avoid feasting on chocolates, snacks and other high-calorie food.

About the Author

ashish is working on behalf of California Medical Weight Management (CalMWM), which is a reputed weight loss clinic. CalMWM offers three-step weight loss program to help obese shed the extra weight and live their lives normally.

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